
RTMapper is real-time map creation tool for various applications.



Online and real-time video/images processing based on SLAM and incremental map-fusion techniques.



Data proxy for DJI drone which can perform map creation all in one-click.



Open SDK for enterprise users which can integrate our technology into you UAV system.



RTMapper is a software based on computer vision and deep learning for real-time and online creating and processing digital map. It provides full sets of solutions for map creation, difference/object detection. Through RTMapperMobile the full task can be accomplished just one-click by DJI drone, in addtion our technology can be integrated into you UAV system by using RTMapperSDK to make your system has the capability of real-time processing. Detailed usage manual can be found at online documents.


Online and Real-time

Based on our developed visual SLAM and map-fusion algorithms, the map creation do not need wait. The speed can reach 200 images/second.

GCP-free and Large Scene

The system accepts GPS/RTK information to fuse different information for achieving high-accuracy. It also has smart cache algorithm for handling large-scene maps.

SDK for Professional

For integrating our technlogy into you UAV system, we provide RTMapperSDK to make the impossible to possible.

3D Map Reconstruction

The SLAM estimated position/attitude information can speedup 3D reconstruction.

Spatial-temporal Processing

Based on the feature of easy-to-use and fast processing, the inspection can be performation with high frequency and routinely, therefore, the differences and dangerous can be easily detected.

Intelligent Navigation

Through the real-time map creation, it provides an autonomous naviation for UAV or smart weapons for positioning in unkonw or complex enviroment.


RTMapper GUI

The system can processe 1080p video with 30 FPS, and 540p video with 60 FPS.

GCP is not required anymore, our algorithm can be integrated into your ground-control-station by RTMapperSDK

Use RTMapper to explore the unkown world.


RTMapper can be applied into land survey, agricultural, emergency mapping, line-inspection, intelligent building, situational awareness, and intelligent navigation and so on.

Land Survey

The system provides fast and accurate mapping for land survey. Because the flight and image processing are integrated in one step, the workload can be dramatically decreased. The failure of map reconstruction at post-processing will never happen too.


The rapid and accurate map with manual/automatic obstacle detection will make the spray full automatic.

Line Inspection

The inspection area can be fully mapped, integrated with difference and menace detection can make the work fully automatic. Therefore, the inspection can be performed with high frequency.

Intelligent Building

For building planning, construction, and acceptance check, the RTMapper can be used to measure distance, area, volume, and also can be applied to progress inspection.


The core application of RTMapper is to secene perception, through drone or drone cluster the battle field can be recovered in real-time which make a decisive victory thousands of miles away.


The online mapping will help UAV or smart weapon to navigate when GPS are lost.


You can download RTMapper Desktop, Mobile, and SDKs from following links. Usage and manual can be found at online documents.

RTMapperDesktop (Windows)

Windows 64-bit version, 4 GB Memory or above

RTMapperDesktop (Linux)

Linux 64-bit version, 4 GB memory or above

RTMapperMobile (Android)

Android Phone/Tablet (Android 5.0 above)

RTMappeSDK (Windows/Linux)

SDKs are available for Windows/Linux

Test and evaluation dataset: RTMapper Dataset

Usage and manual: online documents


Our mission is to develop leading technologies of SLAM and AI.

Next will be you

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Welcome you join us, we can make bright future of smart perception. More information.


If you have any problems or suggestions, please let we know. E-mail: rtmapper@163.com